Monday, February 4, 2013

What happens when everything goes wrong?

Have you ever had one of those kind of days? The day where your car breaks down, you find out you have a bill you didn't know about, and that the schools principle called about your kid?

Have you had one of those days, and it seems like the world is just plain out to get you? When God's promises about us seem very far away and distant? Eternity in Heaven and all that sounds great, but what about right now? And the pain And stress I'm in?

What about that?

So what does God have to say about all of that? We know from scripture that God is with us always, that He does not abandon us in our time of need. He is omniscient about to see us at all times. We also know from scripture that God loves us, and certainly does not want us to suffer needlessly.

I think this all boils down to one simple thing: a decision that we make.

The thousands of moment by moment decisions that we make each day. Do we stay with God for the whole day, or do we step away from that? Do we acknowledge that He is with us at all moments (including the less than pleasant ones) or do we turn away from Him?

Now I do want to be clear on one thing. In no way am I suggesting they we can lose our salvation. God is always present, weather we want to acknowledge him or now. But we can choose to live in that light, or we can choose to step away from it.

A lot of what has made me think this way recently has been a study of professional athletes. Not just any athletes but the best of the best, the cream of the crop. What do those people share in common? A desire to be the best. When they are tired, not feeling good, feeling like they need to give up, they push on. They do not stop. Others give in, they keep pushing. When you study people like this you find words like Effort, Grind, Persistence, Discipline, Tenacity.

I'm not suggesting that all of our faith is an effort on our part. God does way more than we can possibly do. We are saved by faith, not by works. But we can choose to resist the Holy Spirit. We can choose to ignore that voice that whispers in our ears.

Where the effort comes into play is choosing to listen to that voice of hope and love every day. Because there is much in us, much in the world around us that will cause us to stop listening. That's where we grind it out, every single day. Didn't Paul call it a marathon that we are running?

If the answer is to listen to Gods voice, to stay "tuned in" if you will, how do we do it?
What must we do on a daily basis? There is no magical formula, but there are a few basics that have worked for centuries that hold true:


Not a shocker here, but it is an absolute must. If you do not reconnect with God on a daily basis, you will suffer.

In this the world will distract us as much as possible. TV, social media, the stress in our lives, work, you name it. Just like exercise, we will never just have time for it, we have to make the time.

I'm not going to go into ways to pray. There are lots of resources available on that. Merely just the idea that it needs to happen. It's not so much about how you pray, but that you actually do!

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